Variation Design

design variation



Address : VARIATION DESIGN8 rue Jehan BodelZA des longuesfields62217 BeaurainsFRANCE
Country: France


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Glasses: Child, Female, Male

Discover the brand

At the origin of Variation Design, a bold desire is to provide all eyewear wearers with an aesthetic and technical response.

Today, Dominique Varlet dresses all the looks, from the star of the recree court, to the businesswoman concerned with fashion detail, to the fashionista student or the trendy, freshly retired papy. It is in this diversity that all styles agree, around this creative melody, constantly renewed.

Today, our happy family is made up of more than 25 people! All proud to carry our collections to the highest level!


V.Design Collection


The V.Design collection encourages you to see life in color, and it puts your heart into it. Surprise, captivate, seduce, move... awaken your eyes! These are our motivations behind this new V.Design collection.

Under Dominique Varlet's guidance and wise eye, designers are eager to offer you a wide range of models. All shapes are at the rendezvous, the color palettes chosen assert the personalities and characters of each.




The brand GENSDUMONDE focuses on urban trends. GENSDUMONDE offers a variety of finely worked materials such as acetate and metal.


The company has been actively participating since 2008 in optical shows such as the SILMO in Paris, the OPTI in Munich and the VISION EXPO in New York. On an elegant stand, open to the world, the VARIATION DESIGN team welcomes customers and prospects for an exclusive presentation of the new collections and the know-how of the designers, also available to discuss their ideas process. VARIATION DESIGN is today internationally recognized for its creations.

  • Paris

  • Munich

  • Milan

  • New York

  • Hong Kong

women eyeglasses variation design child mount variation design carbon frame variation design eyeglasses carbon variation design frame glasses variation design collection glasses variation design frame variation design bezel child variation design

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