At OKO EYEWEAR, our values play an essential role. They convey a clear message that defines the raison d'être of brands that composes it, and defines its DNA. It is the combination of all these values that bring together consumers of OKO by OKO Paris, MyMUSE, MOKO Besicles and KIDOKO eyeglasses for the youngest. But what are these values?
The art of presenting more stunning frames from year to year, from show to show, but always respecting the identity and signature of a company with strong values of differentiation, innovation, comfort and quality. This is the motto of OKO EYEWEAR. One ADN clear, identified and faithful to its values. No compromise.
Since 1999, offer glasses sustainable is a constant in OKO EYEWEAR.
Make a promise and keep it... Our products and by association, our brands, have proved their reliability and this from the first day.
« We call on our compatriots and all the citizens of the world to wear glasses that are brighter, more joyful, more respectful of our pleasures and happiness. Glasses that breathe the joy of living, the joy of sharing, laughing and smiling, together, every day. Our eyes must be the pride of those who wear them. The world today needs eyeglass designers who can give it the joy of living. « OKOlogists » We are and we intend to stay. »
Fun, communicating your joy of living is a key factor in your business. At OKO EYEWEAR, keeping his sense of humor is taken very seriously... Communicating it to consumers, prescribers and employees is a rule of the past, present and future! « Myopes, astigmats and presbyters, wearing glasses of all ages, of all sexes, of all countries, it is on your faces that our identity, our culture are built every day. (...) Let us not let the gloom take hold of our traits. We, « OKOlogists », say yes to design, yes to creation, yes to trends, yes to colors, yes to lightness, yes to innovation, yes to smiles. »
The DNA of OKO EYEWEAR is a mixture of its history (the meeting of two optician friends passionate about innovation, beautiful materials and beautiful portable glasses by all) and the emotions brought by its team. So much passion, essence and human values that drive the company.
Philippe ZEITOUN and David BEDDOK, the co-founders, the company's associate directors and long-time opticians, decided to create a first collection and a brand eponymous OKO by OKO Paris in 1999. Their will? Create a line of eyeglasses with a creative foot, at accessible prices and evolving in a colorful and staggered universe. For lovers of originality.
The brands MOKO Besicles, MyMUSE and KIDOKO created in 2008, dedicated to children who also want to differentiate themselves!
Philippe & David manage year by year, from collection to collection, to express with even more passion, surprise and pleasure their love for glasses (they fell into it long ago already!). They succeed in being ever more creative, ever more innovative, always being faithful to the company's values. Let us not be afraid of being frank, this miracle is the talent of the « home designer » David BEDDOK who knows collection after collection give fans originality emotions and satisfactions.
Technology... From its creation, OKO EYEWEAR Group has made the bet of juggling with innovative materials and thereby creating and offering ultra-comfortable frames, with unique and recognizable design. High value-added mounts. In order to propose what is best done on the market. The use of surgical steel, bronze and acetate no longer has any secret for them.
The success of the first OKO by OKO Paris collections has thus encouraged the company to decline its know-how in research and development on another brand and another family of products (children's glasses of the brand KIDOKO). The innovation of design and materials remains one of the dominant values of OKO EYEWEAR.
Tradition... Like most innovative and differentiating companies, OKO EYEWEAR has its share of authenticity, anecdotes and traditions that make it a business with a soul, looking towards the future without denigrating its past.
OKO EYEWEAR is a company with a freedom and a grain of madness in its optical approach, products, designs and color combinations. This thrill we find at the exit of each new bezel.
This is what leads the two company leaders Philippe ZEITOUN and David BEDDOK to an endless quest for ever more creative, more innovative, more original and more OKO models.