
What is keratochone? Symptoms and treatments


Keratocone is an eye disease that affects the structure and geometry of the cornea, the transparent part of the eye surface that allows light to pass. It is important to know the symptoms of keratocone and the treatment options available to prevent blindness. In this article, we will examine what keratocone?, its symptoms and the various treatments available.

Keratocone is a progressive eye condition that causes a conical deformation of the cornea, most often bilateral. It can also manifest itself more seriously and spread its spread, causing a very blurred vision. Symptoms may appear slowly and gradually increase, or suddenly appear and worsen rapidly. Key symptoms include eye pain, blurred vision, sensitivity to light, and difficulty seeing clear and distinct objects. Keratocone treatments may include optical correction, medical therapy, surgical therapy, and medications. Optical therapy can help people recover a clear and accurate vision, while surgery may be necessary to correct significant deformations. Drugs can help relieve symptoms such as eye pain and sensitivity to light. These treatments can help maintain good vision and can prevent the worsening of corneal deformations.

I. Definition of keratocone

Keratocon is a medical condition where the cornea gradually becomes thin and curved. This phenomenon occurs as the cornea cells, normally specific to each layer of the cornea, begin to deteriorate. As a result, the connective tissue of the cornea deforms and retracts, causing abnormal curvature. As the cornea gradually becomes thinner and curved, symptoms may include blurred vision, eye pain, sensitivity to light and a worsening vision. The main risk factors associated with this disorder are heredity, injury and use of chemicals that can cause eye damage, and excessive exposure to ultraviolet light. Although keratocone cannot be cured, treatments can be performed to minimize symptoms and include the wearing of contact lenses specially designed to correct vision, eyewear, and surgical procedures such as cornea transplants and laser procedures to correct cornea curvature.

What is keratochone?

Keratocon is a common eye disease that causes the corneas of the eyes to become cone shaped. The corneas are usually round and flat, allowing the light to pass through transparently and the vision to remain clear. Once the keratochone begins, the shape of the eyes begins to change and skew, which alters the vision and makes it more difficult to display a good vision. The causes of keratocone are unknown, although doctors believe that it may be linked to factors such as genetic disorders, environmental conditions, fixation problems and other eye conditions. In addition, keratochone may be aggravated by excessive use of contact lenses or too dry eyes.

What are the causes?

The causes of keratocone are still largely unknown and there is no recognized risk factor. Some researchers may associate keratocone with factors such as eye injuries, aging, prolonged use of contact lenses and hereditary causes. It is also possible that environmental factors, such as ultraviolet rays, may cause keratocone. In rare cases, keratocone is caused by systemic diseases, such as scattered erythematous lupus and imperfect osteogenesis. In some cases, keratocone has been associated with the use of certain medications to treat eye problems. Thus, it is important to consult an eye doctor before taking any eye medication.

II. Symptoms of keratocone

The symptoms of keratochone are mainly characterized by an unusual and irregular form of cornea. The most common symptoms are blurred vision and blurred vision. Other common symptoms of keratocone include unusual sensations such as slenderness, tearing or eye pain. In addition, the patient may suffer from glare or a higher than normal sensitivity to light. Symptoms can usually be diagnosed during an eye examination. Visual acuity tests, visibility tests and corneal-specific tests can help confirm the diagnosis.

What are the main symptoms?

The main symptoms of keratocone are blurred vision, increased sensitivity to light, and eye pain. Other signs include double vision, eye shape change and poor colour vision. People with keratochone may also suffer from reduced vision or vision. Patients may also experience secondary symptoms such as eye pain and itching, eyes that lashe or are too dry and vision that deteriorates unexpectedly.

How is vision affected?

Keratocone can be a very debilitating eye disease as it directly affects vision. Vision can be affected both in the short and long term; in the short term, people who suffer from it may experience blurred vision and difficulties to see closely, while in the long term their eyes may become dull and their pupils shrink. In addition, some people find it difficult to see objects clearly more than a metre away, and may find it difficult to see in low-light conditions. In the most serious cases, vision can be completely lost. Therefore, regular eye examinations and appropriate treatments are essential to prevent and control keratocone and minimize its effects on vision.

III. Treatment of keratocone

Keratocone can be treated in different ways. Most of the time, a refund is made to correct astigmatism, which leads to an improvement of vision. In serious cases, surgery is required to replace the deep cornea with a corneal tissue transplant. Transplants are highly invasive surgical procedures and require prolonged hospitalization. Laser therapy or laser restoration can also be used to replace damaged corneal tissue and correct corneal shape. Surgery results are generally excellent, but recovery time can be long. Once the surgery is complete, the patient should wear glasses or contact lenses for a few weeks to help maintain the results.

What are the possible treatments?

Treatments for keratocone may vary depending on the severity of the symptoms and the progression of the disease. There are four main types of treatment: contact lenses, excimer therapy, corneal transplantation and intrastromal surgery. Contact lenses fill the curvature of the lens and are generally recommended for mild or moderate cases. Excimer therapy is a laser technique that takes the shape of the cornea to improve vision. Corneal transplantation can be considered an option for more serious cases. During the cornea transplant, part of the cornea is removed and replaced by a new cornea from a donor. Intrastromal surgery is another type of treatment and involves injecting special implants into the cornea to correct its shape and vision.

What are the advantages and disadvantages?

The advantages and disadvantages of keratocone depend heavily on the specific case you encounter. For example, for patients with symptoms only at an early stage, ultraviolet light therapy and contact lenses may be all that is needed. However, for people at a more advanced stage, surgery may be required. The advantages and disadvantages of these solutions are always discussed.

The most obvious benefits of keratocone treatments are symptom relief and improved vision. Contact lenses and ultraviolet light therapies can provide accurate and durable visual correction. On the other hand, surgery is generally very effective and can completely correct the curvature of the lens.

However, the main disadvantage of treatment is the cost of procedures and medicines. Contact lenses, ultraviolet light therapies and surgery are all expensive. And even if treatments can be effective, they are not risk-free and can lead to undesirable side effects such as eye infections and eye tissue damage. Therefore, it is important that you consult an ophthalmologist before choosing a treatment.

What about home care?

Home care can be a way to speed up healing and relieve keratocone symptoms. People with keratocone can ask their doctor to prescribe eye drops that reduce inflammation and improve blood circulation. Drops should be applied as directed by the doctor. It is also important to properly moisturize and eat foods rich in antioxidants and vitamins such as fresh fruits and vegetables. Finally, home treatments include the use of eye drops that can improve vision and reduce symptoms and eye dryness. Patients can also apply eye moisturizing creams to relieve dry eyes and protect the eyes from irritants. Keratocone patients should seek medical advice to determine the best home care plan.

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