Aurelia is a Jurassian designer, passionate about creation, fashion and jewelry. The bezel has no secret for her.
In 2012, she joined OxibisGroup, a Jurassian moonlighter with the brands Oxibis, Exalto, Dilem and Brief, and together they create the brand JOOLY®, pronounce Jouli (a name that illustrates in our sense the energy of women: between strength and sensitivity, character and poetry).
Pointy, they share a rare sense of detail and a desire to create delicate, balanced, neat models. Choosing acetates and their powdery shades, highlighting the metal with current colours and refined cuts, skilful concealment of the technical elements of the frame for more delicacy... To the company's know-how and its permanent demand for quality, it brings a deliberately feminine look and a fashion and current style. The concept? Amazing, new: a trend (dress, accessory or decor) = a bezel.
September 2013: After several months of preparation, reflection, research, sketches, creation, production, and everything, JOOLY® was born!
You certainly know Thanks, this Parisian concept store that brings together the best of fashion, design and objects for home. Not to mention... a place of contemporary and welcoming restoration. It is precisely at the heart of this restaurant that we had the opportunity, and the chance, to present the JOOLY® concept to the press. Around a delicious healthy and fruity breakfast, journalists and were able to discover our concept and the complete collection. A moment of sharing quickly transformed into a real fitting session 😉 A beautiful meeting in a fashion and unusual place... And nice, positive and enthusiastic reactions to this original concept and its many variations of shapes and colours.
Since its launch in September 2013, at Merci, JOOLY® has come a long way.
Soon, presentations were held at the SILMO (Paris), OPTI (Münich), MIDO (Milan), Vision Expo (New York), SIOF (Shanghai), IOFT (Tokyo) ... From Chile to Japan, from Finland to South Africa, our glasses travel around the world and are now sold in some 30 countries.
Many encounters have shaped the contours of our brand : partnerships with talented illustrators, co-creations, meetings with our opticians and groups of passionate women, in order to build, over the months and years, a brand related to your desires. Several collections later, it is with the same fervour that we continue to pamper our glasses wearers with a light, current and balanced design.